You don’t have to be super-rich to buy a domain name for your brand and domain pricing in Nepal largely differs among registrars.
Wondering why?
Generally, domain registration costs in between NPR.100 to NPR.10,000 depending upon the extensions you prefer, time of contract, domain registrar you pick and privacy protection. You can now buy a domain from any of your preferred domain registrars in Nepal with much ease than before.
If you want to register domain name for your business brand or power your personal blog, this post will help you understand why you need a domain name, find how much domain registration actually costs and why it varies from registrar to registrar.
Let’s dive in.
Why Do You Need a Domain Name Registration?
People usually need domain registration for various purposes such as to host their business website, power personal blog, to get custom emails with their brand name(ex. domain@domainname or simply to buy them for the business purpose – to park them, sell them later on more price, etc.
How Much Domain Registration Actually Costs?
How much it costs for your domain registration usually depends upon a few choices you make such as domain registration company, domain extensions you prefer, domain privacy, number of years you prefer, etc.
In Dec 2019, we surveyed the so-called top domain registrar’s .com domain pricing in Nepal to discover how much they actually charge for domain registration, and what pricing models they employ. These were the results we found.

Domain Pricing in Nepal: Domain Registration in Nepal(.COM Domain)
I’ll begin with a significant finding from the survey. First things first, for the most outstanding domain services at the fairest domain price, you can rely upon the efficiency of AGM Web Hosting in Nepal. There you can avail .com domain at nearly half the price that other registrar and web host charge.
Two other notable points:
- Consistent domain registration and renewal pricing in Nepal
- Availability of almost all domain extensions to buy
For most site owners, .com domain registration will cost in the range of NPR.1000 – NPR.2000 a year, while it costs even low if you’re lucky enough to find the good deal offered by various companies.
Here are my few personal takeaways from the survey data:
The above survey pie chart shows the .com domain registration price in various domain registration company in Nepal in 2019.
Note the prices in the chart sector, “AGM Web Hosting @NPR899” etc. indicates the prices for .com domain registration for different companies.
The entire circle encompasses all top domain registration companies in Nepal, and the sectors represent a specific price different registrar charge for .com domain registration. For example, it costs NPR.1350 .com domain registration charge at NepalLink while it just costs NPR.899 for .com domain registration at AGM Web Hosting.
Why Domain Registration prices vary among registrars?
Now, let’s take a quick look at the reason why different registrars charge different prices.

That’s what most people ask me frequently, now I can’t keep it secret anymore. Some domain registrar offers free .com domain registrar when you purchase web hosting with them. While others offer domain registration services at a much cheaper price.
Some of the primary reason for price variance are:
- The volume of Domain Company Business – Some of the larger registrars such as AGM Web Hosting in Nepal are able to negotiate discounts offering registration service at a lower price.
- Domain registrar you select
- Domain Registration Length
- Domain Registrar Marketing Policy
Also Read – Which is the Best Web Hosting in Nepal?
Key TakeAways
Choosing a cheap domain registrar is tough work, especially when you consider many domain registrars on the web. But I believe you now onwards you don’t have to research or spend hours discovering where you can register a domain at much affordable prices. Also, you have understood, domain name price depends on domain registrar you choose, length of domain registration, TLD you want, etc. So, registering your new domain should never cost you high, though prices will increase after the first year for every registrar.
Whether you’re a newbie having no idea how much domain registration actually costs, if your goal is to discover affordable registrar and share your story to your friends, making the right selection among various domain registry is crucial.
So why not check reputed domain registrar’s domain pricing in Nepal and get started!
Also Read: WordPress Hosting in Nepal for Bloggers
P.S. Let me know in the comments about any costs that are missing in the post and I’ll update that so it becomes the definitive domain pricing guide!