Since our humble beginnings, AGM Web Hosting has always been focused on delivering a WOW experience through customer service. This obsession led us to be one of the first domain registration and web hosting company to offer some form of compensation as customer service guarantee if customers observe the phone support times to be more than expected.

Waiting for just phone support and inquiries is really painful.
From our innovative services to our excellent customer service, our customers expect the best —and our teams are proud to deliver it.
We’re normally known for our exceptional attention to detail and for offering excellent customer service.
However, if we fail to meet this commitment for our customers then we compensate them for the delay. The compensation is determined based on how long it took the customer to get a response or how long they’ve to wait for the responses(via phone, live chat, Viber, Whatsapp) from the company end.
Customer satisfaction is our prime motto. If we fail to deliver timely phone support, we’ll compensate.
Compensation Eligibility Criteria:

When compensation can be claimed?
Sometimes things go wrong; so we’ve got AGM Web Hosting’s Customer Service Guarantee. For any delay in phone support, viber messages, whatsapp messages and livechat, we’re liable to make a CSG(Customer Service Guarantee) payment to you in accordance with the CSG Standard in the following circumstances:
- The customer’s phone hasn’t been responded for a long time.
- Customers have to wait long for WhatsApp and Viber messages reply.
- The Live Chat is not responded or followed back via call or email.(Name, Phone and Email is mandatory)
Note: Customers have to at least buy a product/service to be eligible for this compensation scheme. Plus, If the customer doesn’t mention customer contact details on live chat, they’re not eligible for this compensation scheme.
What do you receive as Standard CSG?
If the customer has to wait long for phone support and didn’t get any reply on WhatsApp and Viber messages within a maximum of 1 hour, you may be entitled to receive CSG claim 10% of your order purchased to your AGM Wallet.

Eligible CSG entitlements are automatically notified and credited to your AGM Wallet.
Note: The compensation amount can’t be withdrawn. However, it can be employed in future purchases.
Disclaimer: AGM Web Hosting also reserves the right to modify/stop/cancel the scheme if circumstances arise outside of its control.
We always strive for delivering high-quality service thus ensuring our valued customers really enjoy the service and that’s what we’re normally known for. Happy Hosting, Cheers!