Are you struggling to discover cheap places to register your domain on a budget in Nepal?
Are you wondering why you’re not still sure how the price range varies for same domain, say .com domain, with different registrar company in the Nepali Market?
If your answer is yes to any of these questions: you’re either not much aware of different domain registration companies or complacent with your own single decision to get your brand identity online today.
Domain names are the key to identify your business on the web. What’s more it is also imperative for online business entrepreneurs to own a suitable personal domain name to represent their brand or company for the customers and prospects engendering some level of sense of trust with their products and services.
Whether you’re a CEO or an employee in any trading company, first is first and you need to figure out the most reliable and reputed domain registrar if any before registering your domain name to get popular among millions of internet users. You need to look for several factors such as registration and renewal prices, genuine google reviews, service response time, customer support, many more.
That’s how you can identify your trustworthy domain provider in Nepal.
If you’re curious to discover reliable and reputed domain registrar and web hosting company in your own, you need to better compare features and pricing among all domain registrar companies in Nepal.
Top 10 Web Hosting Companies in Nepal
Let’s dig into some of the crucial factors to opt better registrar company.
- Registration and Renewal Prices:
Let me share one most frequently asked question to the domain provider – I’ve previously purchased domains at much cheap rate before one year, however, when it is the time to renew the domain names, I’ve found several registrar companies are increasing their renewal price for more than 100%. Yeah, it is obvious that renewal charge costs higher than registration but to what extent we can prefer to go with is the good approach to consider. As different companies has different policies to offer the services, don’t take any chances to pay more than you need to. How? Compare it’s as simple as that. Isn’t it? Make sure you’re opting the domain registrar with much consistent and cheap renewal prices.
- Genuine Google Reviews:
Google reviews actually helps you answer questions like: Are there hidden charges or fees? Is customer support is really that great or not? Is server uptime is as good as promised? The hundreds of words of real-life reviews will engender some level of sense of trust to the particular registrar. So, looking after customer ratings and reviews when you’re searching for domain registration company is another supreme factor to be taken account of.
- Service Response Time:
Response time is much crucial. It is imperative for you to know before you go. Before choosing domain registrar, it is a good idea to ensure their response time is worthy. Because time is money in any online business and professional support team possess the ability to answer your queries and deal with difficulties quickly yet efficiently. You can find out simply by making the call and asking few questions about your queries. Without fast and efficient response, you are likely to wind up encountering issues that could cause potential financial loss if not dealt with promptly.
- Customer Support:
By far the most important aspect in any online services is customer support. In some situations you may need support instantly as it is not uncommon to go through technical difficulties from time to time and you may not be able to wait for even some moment. Make sure, you have helping hands waiting to help you in times of those extreme need.
Let me answer the second and most important question quickly without any ado. Variations of same domain prices largely depends on marketing strategies of different companies. There are companies that offer domain registration services at price as low as NPR.899; while others charge up to NPR.1500 too. So, I believe you now have one questions in your mind. Is it worth to go with the cheap or the expensive one? I don’t think I just need to answer this question as we all know who would prefer to go with the big money if the same is available on the good budget.
Over to you!
So before you venture any further down choosing domain registrar in Nepal, you better make sure you know what things you need to consider for making it a wise decision.
Skip those factor, and nothing can save you. Your battle has already lost.
The good news is, considering those key factors is a great way to save your big money and make it worth the investment in the long run. And it’s one you must consider.
So when you’re ready to enter the domain registrar market in Nepal, arm yourself with this expert guide and fight the good fight.
Do share if you find of any help!