How to Display Your Organization Name in Whois Directory
Transferring a domain name ownership is a straightforward process.
Note: Some people may ask for “How do I display(or add) organization name in whois? as directed by Department of Information Technology, Nepal”, however, “display(or add) organization name in whois” is an ambiguous term and it’s incorrect. The correct verb is “transferring” ownership.
Sure, there are a few steps to the whole thing, but they aren’t complex or anxiety-inducing, especially not when you have an easy guide.
In this article, we’ll show you how to transfer the ownership of your domain name(s) from current owner to new owner.
Transferring domain name ownership is must when you wish to display new registrant information along with organization name or change the current registrant information with added information such as organization name. Having said that even if you wish to add only the organization name, you’re required to follow the 3 steps procedure described below.
Three Easy Steps to Follow while transferring the ownership of your domain name
The process is very simple:
First, you’ll click on the URL on the right to get the form – Domain Transfer of Ownership Form
Second, you’ll fill all the required information excluding payment section and below part. No fees are associated while performing the transfer the ownership of your domain name. You need to fill only three sections namely: Domain, Current Owner and New Owner.
In the *Domain section, you need simply enter your domain name whose ownership you wish to change.
In the *Current Owner section, you need to fill all the information as per the current whois details such as First Name, Last Name, Address, Email, Phone, Your Full Name, Date, Signature etc.
In the *New Owner section, you need to fill all the new owner information including the organization name and other necessary details you want to display. However, you also need to fill *ABN/ACN/other mentioning your company registration number provided by OCR. Also please input correct full name, signature of the new owner in the below corresponding section along with date.
Third, submit the filled form along with documents mentioned below.
Required Documents to Submit Along with Domain Transfer of Ownership Form
After you have completed filling out the Domain Transfer of Ownership Form of Dreamscape Networks, you’re required to create the ticket or send us the mail at support@agmwebhosting.com attaching filled Domain Transfer of Ownership Form, scanned softcopy of new owner’s citizenship certificate and business registration certificate provided by OCR(Office of Company Registrar).
How Long Does a Change of Ownership Take
After you have filled Domain Transfer of Ownership Form provided by Dreamscape Networks and sent us via ticket or mail following all the afforementioned procedure, your application will be assessed by our team. Once your application is approved and changes are made, you’ll be notified via ticket, email and phone call. No fees are applied during the process and this whole process can take up to maximum 3 business days(excluding Saturday and Sunday). The application will be processed on Monday only if they’re submitted on WEEK OFF!
Note: This article doesn’t discuss how to transfer a domain name from third party to AGM Web Hosting or vice-versa. If that’s what you’re looking for, you’ll need to contact us for instructions.