For those who are not tech-savvy individuals are likely to be overwhelmed by the several web hosting advice. What is more, this may lead to creative paralysis. There are several hosting service provider companies with different hosting plans and packages made available to host your website making them accessible to the web traffic visiting your site.
You are probably wondering about the sheer volume of offer offered by those web firm and possibly you might feel like you’re nowhere than in the middle of a tidal wave.
Before placing an order for web hosting services, you need to comprehend what type of hosting plan best meets your business needs, the budget and the kind of hosting services your hosting company offers.
With so much attractive and reasonable hosting plan, how do you know which one best fits for you? In addition, you might get confused by the several types of web hosting services and plans. If it’s true, don’t feel bad as because you’re not the only one. There are hundreds of hosting firm competing for your business growth with hundreds and hundreds of hosting plans and packages and at times it’s obvious that things can get pretty confusing. With several technical geek terms such as disk storage, web traffic(bandwidth), DNS, RAM, OS might easily discourage to the business owners or even individuals who just wants to commence a digital business and grow their business.
With the growth of the online business and number of visitors to your site, it becomes crucial to upgrade your hosting plan time and again maintaining proper function of the website.
Whether you are at the start-up phase of the online business or you want to take it to the next level, you need to look at some of the most common web hosting plan types and only then it would be wise to opt which best serve your needs for business growth. Without any further delay, let’s jump into the most common types of Web hosting plan and grasp a better understanding on how they vary and discovering which plan is the right option for you!
Most Common Web Hosting Sevices Types
- Shared Web Hosting
The most common types of hosting types where hundreds of thousands of websites reside on the single server connected to the web. In addition, with shared hosting there will be limited allocation of disk storage and bandwidth as there are others too who are sharing the server resources such as RAM, CPU etc. What is more, you will be penalized if you surpass that allotted amount.
As with this hosting plan, there are countless websites sharing the vast server and its assets like disk space, bandwidth, RAM etc., the hosting supplier is in full responsibility of the large part of the server upkeep and the execution too. This hosting solutions best fits for little to medium businesses, online journals and custom sites that requires mid-level movement.
Key Features
Some key features to be considered that shared hosting is supposed to possess for better performance, security and most importantly, reliability.
- Disk Space and Bandwidth
- Maximum Uptime guarantee
- Great Technical Support
- Reasonable Price and Scalability
- Other important features includes databases, subdomain and email account sizes
- Backup features
Benefits of Shared Web Hosting
Several benefits that an individual and many business organization get by embracing shared hosting solutions are:
- Cost effectiveness
- Better Security
- Allows great customization
- Improved performance for low web traffic
- Adequate convenience
- VPS Server Hosting
VPS (short for Virtual Private Server) Server is virtually administered server that manages entire server resources into several virtual servers with each server possessing its own offer of dedicated assets such as CPU, RAM and disk Space. Each VPS server is completely private from alternate servers and it shares servers assets equal to the number of users. Consider, you possess 50GB RAM, and 100GB Disk Space on the VPS server and you have ten users, then every user gets 5GB RAM and 10GB Disk Space. It is likely that your site’s performance might suffer in case if you hit those limits. Technically, VPS is shared hosting and dedicated hosting in the spectrum of both control and power.
This are generally employed by the users who possess greater web traffic and prefer better control and flexibility in their service environment. Moreover, even if they do not require all the server assets allotted to them in the VPS Server and a shared web hosting is just as pertinent, the control, flexibility and performance they are afforded is worth the added expense.
Benefits of VPS Server Hosting
Let’s look at some of the pros associated with choosing an VPS server hosting over Shared hosting.
- Good deal of Flexibility
- Gain Better Control
- Performance Isolation
- Managed hosting facilities for maintenance of the service
- Less expensive in comparison to that of fully dedicated hosting solution
- Scalability
- Dedicated Server Hosting
Dedicated Server is the highest end option of web hosting provided by the most standard companies in which client leases an entire physical server that is not being shared with anyone else. What’s more, it provides you the full control over the servers including choice of operating system, hardware, etc.The managed dedicated hosting is more flexible in comparison to that of shared hosting and can cost anywhere in between $100/month to $300/month.
Moreover, dedicated hosting service is a single server that hosts your website rather than sharing server with the number of websites being hosted. In addition, as you have full control over operating system, resources and hardware, it’s easier for developing plan for future and scale your site when the number of visitors to your site rises. You can also make optimum utilization of the resources as per the requirement for business growth.
Key features of Dedicated Server Hosting
Some standard web hosting company provides some great key features understanding customers actual requirement, which are as follows:
- High Quality and Powerful Servers
- SSH Root Access
- Can Host Unlimited Websites
- Available with various OS
- Availability of Control Panel and Dedicated IP
- Should ensure better server management.
Benefits of Dedicated Server Hosting
Here are five reasons why you might choose to go with dedicated server hosting when you want to grow your business.
- Greater control and flexibility over the server
- Ensure security
- No overhead for the purchasing and maintaining the own data center structure.
- Provides complete Root Access to the server allowing installation of the programs and customization of the configurations as per requirements.
- Ensures better reliability, great performance and stability as the server resources are shared with no one else
Surely, all the hosting plan’s end goal is to host your website making them available to the site visitors. However, you are tempted to be attracted with cheaper hosting plan, but make sure at times when your website continues to grow and number of visitors to your site also rises, it is essential for you to go with the better hosting plan and web server ensuring efficient operation. I believe once you’re aware of all types of hosting types available with the top rated hosting provider companies, you can pick the one which works best for you. And this post is definitely going to help you with that making more wiser decisions. Also, You better compare disk space, RAM, bandwidth and other resources and opt the right one as per your specific requirements. Often times, it is likely that you might get confused with which one to start, at times talk and ask for the help with their support team to demystify it.